Can AI help with patient selection for Aduhelm and other new disease-modifying drugs for Alzheimer’s disease?

Drug development and selection of drugs for patients in clinical practice for Alzheimer's disease are challenged by many factors, including patient heterogeneity. AI had the potential to help select patients for whom a drug is most suitable — in trials and in practice.

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A novel CT-based automated analysis method provides comparable results with MRI in measuring brain atrophy and white matter lesions

Neuroradiology A.L. Kaipainen, J. Pitkänen, F. Haapalinna, O. Jääskeläinen, H. Jokinen, S. Melkas, T. Erkinjuntti,…

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Change in CAIDE dementia risk score and neuroimaging biomarkers during a 2-year multidomain lifestyle randomized controlled trial: results of a post-hoc subgroup analysis

The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences M. Peltonen, R. Antikainen,…

Continue ReadingChange in CAIDE dementia risk score and neuroimaging biomarkers during a 2-year multidomain lifestyle randomized controlled trial: results of a post-hoc subgroup analysis