Decreased gray—white matter contrast of [11C]-PiB uptake in cognitively unimpaired subjects with severe obstructive sleep apnea

The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease S. Ylä-Herttuala, M. Hakulinen, P. Poutiainen, J. Lötjönen,…

Continue ReadingDecreased gray—white matter contrast of [11C]-PiB uptake in cognitively unimpaired subjects with severe obstructive sleep apnea

Early detection and differentiation of dementias: with AI, vast amounts of data are an asset, not a burden

Although detection of and differentiation among the various types of dementia remain challenging for clinicians, technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help.

Continue ReadingEarly detection and differentiation of dementias: with AI, vast amounts of data are an asset, not a burden